Founder and Soapmaker

As an archaeologist turned soap maker, I feel fortunate to spend my workday deep within some of Appalachia's most forested hills and stream valleys, gathering natural ingredients that create amazing soaps and balms. At Regent Park Naturals, we use a blend of traditional knowledge and modern techniques to produce high-quality, handcrafted soaps that are free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances.

Andre wild foraging Jewelweed in Field for soapmaking

Our soaps are made using natural ingredients such as roots, barks, seeds, and wildflowers that have been used for centuries for their medicinal and therapeutic properties. We carefully identify and refine these botanical resources, using popular soap making techniques like cold process soap making to create a product that is gentle on your skin and kind to the environment.

You can find our soaps and balms at local farmers markets and on our website, Whether you're looking for a soap to soothe bug bites and itchy inflammation or a moisturizing balm to nourish dry skin, our natural products are sure to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

(412)-219-9391 Murrysville PA 15668